August 3

Upgraded to PhpGedView 3.1

The Dolben Family software has been upgraded to version 3.1 of phpGedView.

posted @ 06:21 PM EDT

August 5

Philosopher Sidney Morgenbesser

Sidney Morgenbesser of Columbia died on Sunday.

Question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?”

Morgenbesser: “Even if there were nothing you’d still be complaining!”

posted @ 11:36 AM EDT

August 6

Yeah, Yeah

Another Sidney Morgenbesser story:

During a conference of linguistic philosophers at Columbia University, he interrupted the pompous J. L. Austin, who was saying that while many double negatives express a positive - as in “not unattractive” - there is no example in English of a double positive expressing a negative. Morgenbesser’s interjection took the form of the two words “Yeah, yeah.”

posted @ 11:49 AM EDT

August 9

25th Pan-Mass Challenge

[25th PMC] Saturday and Sunday, in nearly perfect weather conditions (a tailwind on route 6 in Truro would have been nice :-), I rode in my fifth Pan-Mass Challenge, the 25th year of the event. My thanks go to all of the people who volunteered, making the event work, and to the people with whom I shared the ride, and especially to the people who are sponsoring me this year by contributing to the Jimmy Fund.

Improving cancer treatment will in turn improve all of our lives, either directly or by making a healthy survivor of someone close.

posted @ 11:25 AM EDT

August 13

Version 10 of GDBI

As version 10 of GDBI has been released, I’ll now be using gdbi-10-pgv.jar for the Dolben Family database modifications.

posted @ 11:57 AM EDT

Mac OS X Java Prince

Good News! Printing is fixed in the latest version of Java for Mac OS X, included in the recent updates. This was a major stumbling block in the development of fnPad until I found that my printing code worked in Windows XP. Now I can work on enhancing the printed output. Meanwhile, using a symbol definition when running the application, printing works in a rudimentary way. For example:

java -Dorg.dolben.fn.Pad.enablePrinting="true" -jar fnPad.jar

posted @ 12:06 PM EDT

August 24

Live from Market Square

There’s live streaming video of Market Square in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

posted @ 12:36 PM EDT

August 28

Going Postal

[USPS Team Bus]
Leighton took this picture of me on the road from Grenoble on the day of the Individual Time Trial on l'Alpe d'Huez in this year’s Tour de France, which is where the USPS Team bus was headed, while we turned off and climbed the Col du Glandon.

posted @ 05:29 PM EDT

August 29

Team Dolben

[Team Dolben]
Here’s Team Dolben in Bourne Saturday evening of this year’s Pan-Mass Challenge: from left to right, in front, Martha Dolben, Jeremy Slayton, Sue Prakken, Drew Dolben; in back, Mike Shea, Don Dolben, Mike Prakken, Al Murphy, and Hank Dolben. Missing from the photo is Clare O'Connell.

posted @ 02:25 PM EDT

Sue Me

Here are Sue and I hammering through Orleans Sunday morning in this year’s Pan-Mass Challenge.

posted @ 02:40 PM EDT