jEdit Rocks
If you write computer code and you’re not completely happy with your text editor you must try jEdit, a feature-rich Java application. These days I’m back to developing software on Windows for an embedded system using VxWorks and had to find something that was as useable (for me) as the Mac standards: BBEdit and Xcode.
Of course, nothing is perfect. An interesting bug I ran into was that after exiting the application at work with its last window open on a second monitor then bringing my laptop home and reopening jEdit (without a second monitor attached), the window was off-screen. There may be some way to bring back on-screen windows that are in hyperspace on Bill’s OS—some magic combination of keys or modifying the registry <gag/>—but I don’t know what it is. With a quick look at the jEdit documentation on its website I found out how to open the editor without using the saved settings. I did that and then edited the file containing the settings for where the window was last left and was back in business.
posted @ 04:23 AM EST